Email Marketing Automation: Types of Email Automation for Post Purchase Experience - Ecommerce Guru
Email Marketing Automation

Email Marketing Automation: Types of Email Automation for Post Purchase Experience

Since the era of online presence has changed over the past few years, the post-purchase experience counts way more than the purchase journey itself. Thus, marketers are running hard to optimize their customers’ post-purchase experience. While the customer base is so vast, manually keeping up with individual customers is not possible. Hence marketers have turned to automate bulk email marketing services for their customers. This has helped them reach out to the majority of the customers and provide a better post-purchase experience.

Email marketing automation has arisen as one of the most efficient and inexpensive methods of optimizing the customers’ post-purchase experience. Following is a list of email automation services that free email marketing courses teach for you to draw customers more every time.

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Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are the ones that are sent to list essential transaction details like order summary, payment terms, delivery confirmation and much more. Transactional emails are usually short informative and are designed to catch the attention of the recipient. These need to be sent as soon as the order is placed and confirmed.

Order Status Emails

The order status emails or shipping notification emails are meant to be sent at regular intervals to the customers. These give out essential information like the order’s status, shipping status, and location information. Every time the order reaches a landmark, email the customer for a quick status update. The customer should receive a notification even if the order cannot be sent in due to unforeseen circumstances.

Feedback Request Emails

This is an essential email marketing automation type where you ask for an honest opinion from the customer about your services. These emails help you achieve extensive insights into performing and serving your customers. You can then accumulate the results and work further accordingly to improve and serve better. Ensure that these emails are sent within a specific time.

Product Information Emails

Many products need to be explained close to the customers. If you sell any product that needs an explanation of working methods, ensure that you have an automated email ready. You should send these out as soon as the order is placed so that customers can go through them instantly without any confusion. You can also offer additional help by linking the contact of your support team.

Product Recommendation Emails

This only works when a customer has been to your website and has shown interest in some products. Now that you know what they are interested in, you can send them personalized emails recommending different products. This is a great email marketing strategy as it helps to increase the chances of conversion.

Thank You Emails

These should be sent as a token of gratitude to the customers for selecting your brand. Once the order is placed, you should send thank you emails alongside the transactional email. Instead of nagging too much, stay short and formal while thanking the customers. This allows your customers to realize that you value their decision in choosing your brand.

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