Amazon Vs Flipkart

Which is better Amazon Vs Flipkart For Sellers in 2021

As for the position of eCommerce merchants, let us conduct a feature-by-feature comparison of Amazon and Flipkart to determine which is the preferred marketplace for the majority of sellers online in India- Amazon vs Flipkart. 

So, in order to get the answer of which is better, Amazon or Flipkart in India, you must go through these points thoroughly. 

1. Registration Process 

Amazon India’s seller registration process is simple. In reality, anybody can start selling on Amazon in less than 24 hours if they have the necessary resources. Sellers that want to come on board quickly may do so by submitting a few simple but necessary papers to the marketplace. 

Amazon validates a seller’s company information, and the seller is granted access to a world-class selling interface as soon as the business details are approved.

The Flipkart seller registration procedure is quite similar to the Amazon India seller registration process – it is very quick and simple. Flipkart goes one step further by requiring company information to get started. 

However, to establish a seller’s account, the marketplace will subsequently need more company information.  A staff member from the marketplace is usually sent to the pickup site to conduct physical verification of the location. Flipkart receives a report from the auditor after his visit. The report determines whether a seller is permitted to sell his or her property or not. If the vendor does not pass the audit, Flipkart will cancel the merchant’s registration. Furthermore, the audit may take up to 10 to 15 days in total. 

2. Seller Central Dashboard 

Flipkart’s simple design interface provides the impression that we are browsing all eCommerce websites. However, this does not ensure sales. Second, there are just a few sales tools available. Product listing and other characteristics are within the control of the seller to the greatest extent possible.

Sellers, on the other hand, have complete control over their listings on Amazon. Whether it’s for listing, price, shipping, advertising, or bulk selling, Amazon is unquestionably the best in the business today. For example, B2B services and an app store marketplace are both absent from Flipkart’s product offering. Similar to many elements that are absent from the Flipkart marketplace.

If you want to Learn about top selling products on Amazon in 2021 here.

3. Product Listing

In Flipkart, there are many problems in the product listing system that must be addressed. The technology is much more sensitive when it comes to mistake detection. You will get the impression that the system is preoccupied with identifying faults in your listings at some point in time.

The procedure of checking the quality of an excel file is too complicated. A four-layer error detection method has been implemented instead of a single-point solution which is completely unnecessary. 

While in the case of Amazon a seller will be at the mercy of the support staff for any little modification they make to their product. Selling on Flipkart is more difficult since a seller would be distracted by the process of identifying and correcting mistakes rather than by the process of selling therefore the Flipkart needs to simplify the procedure and make it more user-friendly for its customers.

4. Category Approval ( Amazon vs Flipkart )

In both the cases of Amazon vs Flipkart, the procedure is the same, and the time required for approval is the default. Seven to ten working days are sufficient and anything above and beyond that would be a complete nightmare for a vendor.

The physical audit is critical in this situation. It just takes one incorrect move to bring everything crashing down. If the audit fails, the first step is to figure out why it failed. Second, correct the error and resubmit your application, and then wait for the auditor to come to your place of business and submit a report, which hopefully, is favorable this time around.

All of this takes a significant amount of time. A seller becomes entangled in the snares of acceptance, rejection, and reapplication, which is a time-consuming process. Furthermore, the seller support staff is critical in the success of the business.

If a seller, for whatever reason, is unable to comprehend precisely what the marketplace needs in order to complete an aptoler assistance will come to their aid and Flipkart falls short in terms of offering comprehensive seller support services. 

5. Advertising ( Amazon vs Flipkart )

The main difference between Amazon and Flipkart lies here. Many industries are targeted by Flipkart’s snarky ad campaigns. For example, on Flipkart, a seller is unable to set unique bids on keywords for their products. Furthermore, there is no opportunity to promote goods via the use of creative materials such as banners. In this case, the ad moderation capabilities are nil or very limited.

Whereas SmartROI campaign type is not available on Amazon India at this time. In addition, there are a variety of additional options available on the Amazon advertising platform to ensure that your products get the most amount of exposure and sales possible on a daily basis. Because daily India easily wins this category when viewed from that viewpoint. If you want to know how to sell products on Amazon then check out here.

6. Order Processing And Delivery 

However, even though Flipkart has an order processing interface, it lacks a number of capabilities. For example, Amazon India allows a seller to choose a pick time window for their product (10 AM to 1 PM and 1 PM to 4 PM). Sellers will be able to effectively handle orders while keeping in mind the availability of goods in this manner.

Flipkart, on the other hand, has a flat pickup time window. Once the order has been completed, they will simply be available from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. When you are dealing with large orders, this is very important as maybe the pick-up service will fail to arrive at your designated place entirely.

Overall, Flipkart has to improve the overall user experience of their seller central in order to make it more appealing to customers.






One response to “Which is better Amazon Vs Flipkart For Sellers in 2021”

  1. DerekLam Avatar

    Hey, I liked this blog very much. It clearly explains all the important factors about amazon and flipkart. Very helpful for new people in online business.

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