How to become seller on Snapdeal | Sell products on Snapdeal


How to Sell Products on Snapdeal

Selling on is easy. First you need to register on Snapdeal and list the products that you want to sell on Snapdeal Store. Customer sees your product and makes a purchase. You will receive a notification to ship the product. You deliver the product to the customer and confirm shipment or let Snapdeal fulfill the order for you through FBA or Easy ship. Snapdeal will deposit the funds into your bank account after deducting our free.

If you want to register you store on Snapdeal Then you need to submit some required document to Snapdeal seller center.

List of required document for registration on Snapdeal.

Step: 01

First you need to register to sell on You will need the following information to register.

  • Your company details<
  • Your contact details – email and phone number
  • Basic information about your business
  • VAT/CST/TIN Details are mandatory and need to be provided after registration
  • PAN Card
  • Current Bank A/c details
  • Cancelled Cheque
  • Brand Registry Document


Please Note: VAT and CST are required to sell online in accordance to Indian laws. You need to provide VAT and CST number to Snapdeal at the time of registration. However, if you are selling only VAT exempted categories, then this may not be required. Note that if you start selling any taxable goods you need to register for VAT and CST as per sales tax law and provide VAT and CST to Snapdeal.

Process to Register on Snapdeal:
1 . Go to Snapdeal Seller Page.
2. Sign up with your contact details.
3. Upload VAT Registration Certificate with Bank Details and other necessary details.
4. Verify your account and agree on Snapdeal agreements.
5. Listing your products.
6. Start selling.

Snapdeal Seller Registration

After Successfully seller registration you need to add your products on Snapdeal. You can use Web-based interface to list products one at a time, or excel-based templates files to list your products in bulk. The procedure and information required will vary depending on whether your products are already in the Snapdeal templates.


How to list products on Snapdeal:

Basically two type of Method for adding products on Snapdeal:

1. Manual Products Listing
2. Bulk Products Listing

Manual Products Listing

Using manual products listing method you can list only one products at a time by using Snapdeal Web-based interface. The procedure and information required will vary of your products type.

Step to listing products on Snapdeal by manual method:

Step 1:

First you need to login Snapdeal seller panel to access web-based interface to listing. For Login you need to go to Snapdeal Seller Page. Enter your registered email id and password and then click on “LOG IN” button.

Seller Login Page

Step 2:

After successfully login seller panel you will switch to Snapdeal web-based interface Dashboard.

Snapdeal Dashboard

Step 3:

If you want to add a product manually then you click on “Catalog” and then Click on “+Add Product”. Please see below mention screenshot.

In the above mention screenshot there are basic like to manage or view your products. If you want to create new listing you need to click on “+Add a Product”, if you want to track your listing you need to click on “Track Listing” and if you want to see live products then click on “Live” and if you want to see non live products then click on “Not Live”.

Step 4:

After this you need to click on “Create a Single Listing” link.

In the below mentions screenshot three basic Create a Single listing, Create Listing in Bulk and Manage Brands.
If you want to create single manually listing, then click on “Create a Single Listing”.
If you want to bulk product listing, then click on “Create Listing in Bulk”.
If you want to manage your brands, then click on “Manage Brands”.


Step 5:

Now you need to click on “Create a Single Listing” to manually product listing.

Product Identifiers Link


In the above mention screenshot four tab “Category”, Key Details”, “Image”, Attributes” and “Shipping & Price“.
Category Tab: In the “Category” tab you need to select proper category according to your product and brand.
Key Details: In the “Key Details” tab you need to fill primary information about your product like SKU, Product Name, Description, EAN and UPC.
Image: In the “Image” tab you need to upload Products images.
Attributes: In the “Attributes” tab you need to fill information like Color, Size, Type and other more information according to your products.
Shipping & Price: In the “Shipping and Price” tab you need to fill shipping and price related details of your products like MRP, Selling Price, Inventory, Shipping time, Height, width, length, weight and other more related information.
Note: All field which is start with “*” symbols know as mandatory without fill it you can’t list your products.

Category Tab

By Selecting Category tab, you can select proper category according to your product.
Example: Style2Style Women’s High Hell Sandal.
Category> Footwear > Women’s Footwear > Heels
Also you need to fill Brand name in the Brand text box without filling the brand name you cannot select category of your products. When you completed the click on “Next “button to move on next tab.


Key Details Tab


In the Key “Details tab” you need to primary details of your product. You need to fill suitable product name according to your products and a unique code in the SKU field. Also you need to fill Products description EAN and UPC.
If you create a single product, then select NO radio button otherwise select Yes for variants.
After this you if you want to go on next tab then click on Next otherwise click on “Save as Draft” to save you product in the draft.

Image Tab

By Selecting Image tab, you can upload images for your product.
At least you have to upload one images.
You can upload images by using drag and drop method. Also you can re-order you images by drag and drop.
After this you if you want to go on next tab then click on Next otherwise click on “Save as Draft” to save you product in the draft.

Attributes TAB


By Selecting “Attributes” tab you need to fill information like Color, Size, Type and other more information according to your products.
Attributes field vary according to your product category.
After this you if you want to go on next tab then click on Next otherwise click on “Save as Draft” to save you product in the draft.

Shipping & Pricing Tab

By Selecting “Shipping & Pricing” tab you need to fill shipping and price related information.
Like, MRP, Selling Price, Inventory, Shipping Time, Height, Width, Length, Weight and other details which are related to shipping and pricing of your products.

After this you if you want to add product to catalog then click on “Add to Catalog” otherwise click on “Save as Draft” to save you product in the draft.

After adding product in catalog your product will be live when successfully QC is done by Snapdeal otherwise product is rejected.
If you want to know about your listed product status, then you can trace it by using “Track Listing


Step to listing products on Snapdeal by Bulk method:

Bulk Product Listing: Bulk Products Listing: Using this method you can adding multiple items to your merchant account can be a time-consuming process. Instead of adding products one-by-one.

Step 01:

First you need to login Snapdeal seller panel to access web-based interface to listing. For Login you need to go to Snapdeal Seller Page. Enter your registered email id and password and then click on “LOG IN” button.

Step 02:

After successfully login seller panel you will switch to Snapdeal web-based interface Dashboard.

Step 03:

If you want to add a products Bulk then you click on “Catalog” and then Click on “+Add Product” and after then click on “Create Listing in Bulk”.

A new window is appearing after clicking on the “Create Listing in Bulk”.
If you want to create listing in bulk, you need to fill the products details in a template file you can download template file clicking on the “download the content sheet here”.


Step 04:

  1. After filing the product information in the templates file you need to upload file on Snapdeal by clicking on the “Choose File” and after this you need to click on “Submit”.
    2. You need to upload your product image zip file.
    3. Note: When QC is successfully completed then your uploaded product showing on live site otherwise not showing on the live site. QC is process the Snapdeal.