6 Ways to Write Product Descriptions for Ecommerce Platforms - Ecommerce Guru

6 Ways to Write Product Descriptions for Ecommerce Platforms

Writing without mastering it one cannot convey the message properly. It should be kept simple and readable as well as little catchy. Few content writers use high idioms and phrases to make the descriptions look more appealing and thatโ€™s how they appeal the least.

Here are 6 simple ways to write product descriptions that sell:

1. Focus on one kind of audience

Imagine yourself to be the buyer or the decision maker of the product and then start writing the description. Get in their head and see what they would like to know about the product. Also keeping the language as simple as you can.

2. List the features

Listing features and attributes of the products are the most important thing. Keeping them in points might also help more. Long paragraphs are difficult to read, people tend to read content which seems to be highlighted.

3. Use more adjectives

Attractive adjectives but yet uncomplicated will catch more attention. Use of adjectives depends on the product itself. It should be kept in your mind that it describes particularly the product and is not generalized.

4. Add good quality and relevant images

Adding images enhances the products on a large scale. People get the idea of what they are going to buy. Small key points can describe the image and help it make more attractive to the buyer.

5. Show similar products

While writing and showing the product, a list of similar products can also be shown along with it. Small descriptions about them will help the buyer to choose something among it and not go elsewhere but that will only happen if the message of the product is conveyed properly.

6. Include stories

Writing product descriptions and adding mini stories section along with the description. This can fourfold the chances of the product being sold. Try telling stories about product development, who are involved in the value chain, how will this product sale affect the bottom of the pyramid individuals, how is the product tested etc. are some of the key points that can be included.